Diet Do-Over

February 8, 2013 Update

I posted a video update about two days ago.

Yesterday I would say I ate really well. I had two buckwheat waffles for breakfast, with organic blueberries on top. For a snack I had a pear, but also a snickers bar :(

For lunch I tried something I've never tried before, but loved. I had a Falafel!!! It was so good!

Then I had a cupcake on a break during class... It was so worth it haha

For dinner I had spaghetti and meatballs

Anyway, I wanted to bring you this update, because today I've had the worst day yet. Not in terms of what I've been eating, but in terms of the amount of pain I'm in... I woke up at 4 am, screaming in pain. I must have slept differently, or pulled a muscle in my neck, because I can barely move it. And when I do move it, it's like my whole body tenses up and I can't move!

This is extremely scary. Nothing like this has happened to me before! I've been putting ice and cold compresses on it periodically throughout the day. I've also been taking Advil to relieve the pain, and applying Motrin topically. If you have any tips for how to avoid this horrible pain that I'm in, or how to relieve it PLEASE LEAVE A SUGGESTION DOWN BELOW. I'm begging you. I'd take the appendix pain over this any day!

February 3, 2013 Update

Okay, so I had a minor setback yesterday (I had two small slices of Pizza Hut Pizza), but it was the first day so I gave myself a break. Today I'm going to be much harder on myself.

Also, just a note: I am not a vegetarian or vegan by any means, nor do I claim to be. I do, however, see the enormous nutritional benefits that come with eating vegetarian/vegan food, and that is why some things I eat are certified vegan. Also, I can't drink milk, so I substitute it with Almond, Soy, or Rice milk (my fave is the Vanilla Almond).


  • Quinoa Cocoa Puffs Cereal with Vanilla Almond Milk
  • Chamomile tea (no sugar or milk/cream in the tea)
  • Snack: Blueberries and an apple with almond butter spread

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